Blooming Voices Podcast
Do you listen to all the experts on podcasts and think, “no wonder they’re experts; they’re awesome, they’re smart, they’re....” Stop right there! You’re awesome!You have a story to tell, and there really is no one like you. Embrace your story. Celebrate yourself. Of course we all have room for growth, and no one is ever done growing. Just because you don’t know the answer to something today doesn’t make you a loser or does it? Naaa, of course it doesn’t! It makes you a human on life’s journey, just learning new things day to day! The more you know, the more you know what you don’t know. You're a little bud in the process of blooming... ready to share your truth and grow.Join two halves of two twin pairs as we share inspiring stories and a variety of perspectives about identity. We talk about our own unique backgrounds and how it unravels in the pursuit of finding identity, individuality, and an authentic voice. Religion, confrontations, twin questions, equality, being voice over artists, entrepreneurship, travel, movies... nothing is off limits! A true variety of topics and questions is how we grow best.
Podcasting since 2021 • 51 episodes
Blooming Voices Podcast
Latest Episodes
Episode 50 - New Year, New Theme!
Happy New Year 2023! And this is extra special, being our 50th episode! What will your theme be for the new year? Not a resolution, a theme - there is a difference!Resource"Your Theme" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NV...
Season 3
Episode 50

Episode 49 - Dream Crushers!
When people in your life give you unwanted criticism and dream-crushing "advice," what can you do? SocialsInstagram - https://www.instagram.com/bloomingvoices...

Episode 48 - Love our Melting Pot
We love diversity! In America especially we are lucky to have so many different people. From food to holidays to lifestyles, learning about others' cultures can make us change our habits and become who we want to be. Socials
Season 3
Episode 48

Episode 47 - Un-Inspired
Sometimes despite all our positive thinking and celebrating small wins, we just come away feeling un-inspired, not excited by work or our dreams or anything. This would be a good time to reflect. How do the twins handle it? Takeaways...
Season 3
Episode 47

Episode 46 - Thoughts on Life, Labels, and America
The twins just improv, riffing on current happenings and thoughts about birthdays, languages, labels and group mindsets, and just general catching up. Listen in for an entertaining, thoughtful time! SocialsInstagram -...
Season 3
Episode 46