Blooming Voices Podcast
Do you listen to all the experts on podcasts and think, “no wonder they’re experts; they’re awesome, they’re smart, they’re....” Stop right there! You’re awesome!You have a story to tell, and there really is no one like you. Embrace your story. Celebrate yourself. Of course we all have room for growth, and no one is ever done growing. Just because you don’t know the answer to something today doesn’t make you a loser or does it? Naaa, of course it doesn’t! It makes you a human on life’s journey, just learning new things day to day! The more you know, the more you know what you don’t know. You're a little bud in the process of blooming... ready to share your truth and grow.Join two halves of two twin pairs as we share inspiring stories and a variety of perspectives about identity. We talk about our own unique backgrounds and how it unravels in the pursuit of finding identity, individuality, and an authentic voice. Religion, confrontations, twin questions, equality, being voice over artists, entrepreneurship, travel, movies... nothing is off limits! A true variety of topics and questions is how we grow best.
Blooming Voices Podcast
Episode 34 - Epiphany Click Moments
Jordan Drayer and Dalia Ramahi
Season 3
Episode 34
Have you ever had that actual lightbulb moment, that click of an epiphany when something you've been working on for a long time, years even, finally makes sense?
- We may not be able to control our present circumstances but we can control our thoughts and our mindset around our circumstances.
- You can choose to not identify with your pain, meaning you use words like “experiencing right now.”
- Self-improvement is a life long process and it takes time. It doesn’t happen overnight and once you think you’ve resolved some issues, new ones come up. It’s just how it works.
- To sustain progress and continue with your self-improvement, it has to come from within you, not only for the sake of external factors like validation, acceptance, approval etc.
- You can do a thing, like exercise to lose weight, but the reason behind it can be so different and change your approach, like losing weight to please others vs for yourself
- We are each responsible for our own happiness, no one else’s.
- We are responsible for how we conduct ourselves in relation to others but their reactions, feelings, actions, are their own responsibility, not yours.
- Like The Four Agreements says: Do not take it personal.
- Other people’s emotions are not your fault, ever. Of course you might say something that upsets them, but the way they show their anger is not your fault.
- Anger is a natural emotion that is inside each of us BUT how we react or choose to respond is behavioral that is learned and can be unlearned with time and effort.
- Be patient with yourself. Self-improvement takes time. It’s a journey with no real destination except expanding your inner peace and calming your inner dialogue.
- When you do your shadow work (shadow work is when you dig deep inside yourself to heal and improve), it will eventually click into place for you.
- Winning at life isn’t about all the tangible things we collect, but the journey to improve yourself.
- Teach people how to value your time and services, coming from a place of self-worth.
- You are most useful to your tribe when you are your best self, and that best self is always changing and improving; like moving the chains in American football.
- https://www.amazon.com/Four-Agreements-Practical-Personal-Freedom/dp/1878424319
- https://www.miguelruiz.com/the-four-agreements
- https://declutterthemind.com/blog/moment-of-clarity/
- https://uhs.berkeley.edu/sites/default/files/understanding_anger_0.pdf
- https://unfuckyourbrain.com/peoples-feelings/
- https://www.apa.org/topics/anger/control
- Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/bloomingvoicespodcast/
- Twitter - https://twitter.com/VoicesBlooming
- Email - bloomingvoicespodcast@gmail.com
- Website - https://www.bloomingvoices.com
- JordanDrayerVoices.com
- linktr.ee/DaliaRamahi