Blooming Voices Podcast

Episode 34 - Epiphany Click Moments

Jordan Drayer and Dalia Ramahi Season 3 Episode 34

Have you ever had that actual lightbulb moment, that click of an epiphany when something you've been working on for a long time, years even, finally makes sense?


  • We may not be able to control our present circumstances but we can control our thoughts and our mindset around our circumstances.
  • You can choose to not identify with your pain, meaning you use words like “experiencing right now.” 
  • Self-improvement is a life long process and it takes time. It doesn’t happen overnight and once you think you’ve resolved some issues, new ones come up. It’s just how it works.
  • To sustain progress and continue with your self-improvement, it has to come from within you, not only for the sake of external factors like validation, acceptance, approval etc.
  • You can do a thing, like exercise to lose weight, but the reason behind it can be so different and change your approach, like losing weight to please others vs for yourself
  • We are each responsible for our own happiness, no one else’s.  
  • We are responsible for how we conduct ourselves in relation to others but their reactions, feelings, actions, are their own responsibility, not yours.
  • Like The Four Agreements says: Do not take it personal. 
  • Other people’s emotions are not your fault, ever. Of course you might say something that upsets them, but the way they show their anger is not your fault.
  • Anger is a natural emotion that is inside each of us BUT how we react or choose to respond is behavioral that is learned and can be unlearned with time and effort.
  • Be patient with yourself. Self-improvement takes time. It’s a journey with no real destination except expanding your inner peace and calming your inner dialogue.
  • When you do your shadow work (shadow work is when you dig deep inside yourself to heal and improve), it will eventually click into place for you.
  • Winning at life isn’t about all the tangible things we collect, but the journey to improve yourself.
  • Teach people how to value your time and services, coming from a place of self-worth.
  • You are most useful to your tribe when you are your best self, and that best self is always changing and improving; like moving the chains in American football.

