Blooming Voices Podcast

Episode 44 - Manifesting 101

Jordan Drayer and Dalia Ramahi Season 3 Episode 44

We've talked about it before, and everyone else is talking about it, but that's because it's so good! Manifesting! But how do we actually do it beyond just putting an image on a vision board?


  • Manifesting is about how you feel when you think of the desire. Having an attitude of gratitude now for the thing you don’t have is more likely to bring it to you than feeling desperate. 
  • Be specific with how manifesting your desire makes you feel without focusing on how or when it needs to happen. 
  • You’re limited only by your beliefs. 
  • It’s great to believe so much in your dreams but more importantly is taking steps to bring it to fruition.
  • If you set a time goal for your want, and you don’t get it by then, at least you can be proud you did work toward that goal and are now in the flow of making it happen.
  • We get used to our stories, so even if they’re negative, they’re comforting through familiarity. 
  • If you are stuck, take some time to dig into why you believe the things that you do. Your subconscious beliefs drive your conscious thoughts and current perception of reality. 
  • Change the thought. When trying to change negative thinking or bad habits, literally change the thought and think of something else that can occupy your mind. Have something chosen ahead of time to turn to that you know requires a lot of thinking. 
  • Self-awareness is the first step to changing old patterns that aren’t working for you anymore.
  • Everything happens in its time. You can’t force it. It won’t happen until you’re ready for it. 
  • Keeping a list of things you want to accomplish or cities you want to visit, this is also a manifesting list/vision board. Even a shopping list is something you make happen.
  • Remember the answer you seek is always one of three: yes, not now, or something better.  
  • The how and when of manifesting is none of your business. Release the need to control the outcome and enjoy the process. Let it unfold.
  • On a list of wants, what’s in first place might come second, as you might actually need the second one most, according to the universe.
  • If you want to manifest very old wants, ie childhood wants, why not go out and do them as an adult? Be good to your inner child!
  • Self-love and acceptance helps you manifest the things you want because when you live through love and joy, you feel abundant which creates manifestations.
